October 31st, 2003
Sigma Phi
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bands: Once a Hero, Thieves, My Last Letter.

Another laid-back yet action-packed show, Sigma Phi's annual Halloween party has become a tradition for Once a Hero. It's all of our friends that usually go to the Phi parties, except this time we're all dressed up. So, not to worry, if you were concerned about Alex's appearance in the picture above.

Fellow Ann Arbor band Thieves kicked things off with a rockin set, somewhere on the spectrum between us and hardcore, with a little bit more screaming. Apparently, it was their first show ever, so kudos to them. You can see much of what the crowd was wearing that night. It's hard to tell which costumes were better, this year's, or last year's.

We played in the middle of the two other bands. By measuring the response we got from the crowd, this must have been a decent show. I think everyone there was having a great time, and several of our fans from around the state made it out to see the show. Here you can see Jon clad for Halloween. In the picture below, Adam is all bloody. He had a lab coat at the beginning of the night and was supposed to be a doctor (...with blood...) but had to lose the coat in order to drum. We don't know what it is with Adam and bloody costumes. Last year he was Andrew W.K. for Halloween.

In the picture below, you can also see Doug dressed up as a Starbucks employee. Once a Hero does not endorse Starbucks products, and we're pretty sure none of us consumes them either. But too many of our friends have worked there or do now, so it was an easy enough costume to pull together. After we played, My Last Letter from Detroit wrapped things up. They did a really good job, but we didn't get any pictures of them. It could have been because things tend to get "blurry" towards the end of Phi parties. Either way, maybe we'll see My Last Letter again in the future. 'Til next time, everyone!

-Once a Hero