February 15, 2003
Sigma Phi
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bands: Once a Hero, The Most, Blake Woods, The Chiodos Bros.

After a good time out at Maggie's, we rolled into Ann Arbor around midnight to play a show at Sigma Phi. The Most kicked it off. They're also from Ann Arbor, and played a well-delivered set of covers, ranging from Weezer to Puddle of Mudd. I think there were some originals too, but maybe I just don't know every song ever written. They definately worked the crowd though.

We were second. After playing a crappy or even mediocre show, there must be some unconscious drive to do much better next time, because this show was a big improvement over the one we played a few hours earlier. It's tough to put your finger on it, but sometimes, either the vibe is there or it isn't. It seems also that people are starting to get to know our newer material, which is surprising, becuase with the exception of "Washtenaw," nothing's been released- yet. Wait 'til April.

Sometime during our set the IFC (read: Frat police composed of other frats' student members) crashed the party. That situation (rarely experienced at Sigma Phi) tends to put a stop to the flow of beer, but the party went on nevertheless. We're thrilled that people were there to see music, and that the lack of alchohol didn't send people running for the door. One person from the IFC was high and mighty enough to approach Doug in the middle of the set and ask "Is that your cup of beer?" to which he [ever so politely] replied, "Um, no, that's my cup of WATER." Sigh. The nerve of some people.

After us and before the Chiodos Bros, we brought in a pinch hitter (only in the sense that we got him to play at the show on a whim.) The dude's name is Blake Woods, and we met him at Maggie's, where he usually plays folk/blues music on guitar, harmonica, and voice between bands' sets. This guy totally added a much needed dimension of fun and humor to the show, and he really worked the crowd like crazy. This guy rules, and we're gonna try to get him to play at some more of our shows, so maybe you'll get a chance to see him if you missed this party.

Finally, the Chiodos Bros. rocked the house with their ever insanely energetic live performance. We weren't the only band who had to play two shows in one night. The Chiodos Bros. drove straight down from Flint after having played their 1-year anniversary show at the Local 432. It's hard to believe that they've only been around for a year. They really got the Phi crowd going, and eventually the whole place turned into a mosh pit, with those who just wanted to relax and watch the show having to take shelter at the edges of the room.

In our opinion, this was one of the most fun and successful shows we've ever had at the Phi, so next time, support your local scene and try to make it out to our next show there. The admission's free, the place is full of cool people, and there's always plenty of free beer on tap, well, when the IFC doesn't drop in uninvited, anyway. In the words of Nelson Muntz, "Smell ya later."

-Once a Hero