September 15th, 2001
Mug's Hideout
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Bands: Nain Rouge, Today I Wait, Two Stars Burning

Our first show after a long summer break! Located right in downtown Ypsilanti, Mug's Hideout provided us our a show to get back in the swing of things. This was our first time playing in Ypsi so only 42 people showed up according to the club but none the less we played our best.
We also managed to bring our newest song, "fairweather" to the public for the first time. By far our best work to date, it's represents a new direction in our writing for the upcoming year. There were definitely a couple of suprised faces in the crowd among our regulars.
Oddly enough we were booked with 3 hardcore bands. It was definitely a strange line up but the other bands were super cool guys. They were also super loud and my ears are still ringing. Rock!

Looking forward to playing Flint in a few weekends. Check out the link below for some more pictures from the show.
Check out more pictures from the show!