Welcome to the Official Homepage of Once a Hero!
Updated 04-19-03
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****LAST SHOW****
One last quick update! Our very last show is being held next weekend on April 24th at The Sigma Phi in Ann Arbor. This is where we started out so this brings things full circle for us. It's a private party, but everyone out there who is over 18 is welcome to come. Please email onceahero@umich.edu to be added to the guestlist to get into the party! We are looking forward to seeing a few more friendly faces before we wrap it up!

Dear friends,

Some of you have already guessed that this announcement would be surfacing soon, and a few of you have heard rumors circulating. Finally, we have some news to share with all of you. We'd hoped we wouldn't have to do this so soon. After 3 and a half years of making music and playing shows together, two national tours, an EP and a full-length, Once a Hero will disband this April.

We called our 2003 Summer Tour the "Shock and Awe Tour," a light-hearted spoof on the military campaign of the same name in Iraq, underway while we were planning tour. Ironically, the shock and awe happened to us when our van, Annabelle, the closest thing we had to a home that summer, caught fire and exploded in the Mojave Desert of California, leaving us with the clothes on our back. We'd be lying if we said the thought didn't cross our minds that perhaps the incident was an omen of things to come. Fucking symbolism.

We're not going to feed you any bullshit and suggest we're breaking up due to creative differences. After the abrupt end of tour, something changed. We began to think about our lives and how we wanted to spend them in the comming year, and deliberated about if and when to disband for the better part of the fall and into 2004. We all have our personal reasons, but each of us is taking a new direction next year.

There are still two, possibly three more shows on our calendar. We'll play Jacob's Well in Traverse City on Friday, April 2nd, where we've only played once but wanted to visit one last time, and then our final public show will be at the Flint Local 432 on Saturday, April 3rd. If you're 18 or older (or a college student if you're younger,) there will most likely be one more show in mid-April at the place where we started out, "The Phi." More information about that later.

Finally, we'd like to sincerely thank all of you who've ever been to a show, bought a CD, checked out the website, or supported us and the scene in any way. Without your support, we'd still enjoy doing what we do, but we wouldn't have been able to continue for even this long. These last shows are for you. We'll see you there.

-Alex Robins, Doug Swarts, Adam Tatro, & Jon Woods

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